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stoic - tutorials - html tags
This is a list of almost all the tags I have ever used in my site. You can just look here for anything you might want to format your text with. Note that tags do not need to be uppercase or lowercase, they could be both. Change them and use these and see what they do. They can't hurt your computer. If you want more tags in here tell me and I will gladly add more.


<HTML> - Begins a HTML page. Always use this to start your web page.
</HTML> - Closes a HTML page. Use this to close your web page.

<HEAD> - Begins the HEAD of your web page. Within these tags should not contain any text or body things.
</HEAD> - Ends the HEAD of your web page.

<TITLE> - Begins the TITLE of your page. Within this is the text that appears at the top of your browser.
</TITLE> - Ends the TITLE of your page.

<BODY> - Begins the BODY or your page. Inside of these tags are all the text and things your see.
</BODY> - Ends the BODY or your page.
- TOPMARGIN=? Controls the top space from the edge of the window to your text. Fill the ? with integers.
- LEFTMARGIN=? Controls the top space from the edge of the window to your text. Fill the ? with integers.
- BOTTOMMARGIN=? Controls the top space from the edge of the window to your text. Fill the ? with integers.
- BGCOLOR="#??????" Controls the background color of the page. Fill the ?s with hexadecimals. For more colors/hexadecimals see my hexadecimal chart.
How do you use the above? Just add it to the body tag like this:


<P> - The P tag ends the current text before it and skips a line before showing text after it.
</P> - The P tag sometimes needs it's closing tag. But not for skipping a line.
- ALIGN=LEFT Aligns text to the left.
- ALIGN=CENTER Aligns text to the left.
- ALIGN=RIGHT Aligns text to the left.
How do you use the above? Just add it to the body tag like this:


<BR> - The BR tag starts the text after it one line down. It does not skip a line like the P tag.
</BR>? - The Br tag does not have a closing tag.

<PRE> - Text inside this tag are exactly like the way you enter the text in the editor.
</PRE> - This ends the PRE tag.



<H?> - Begins a heading tag. Use the numbers 1-6 in place of ?'s. Lower number = bigger text. Vice aversa.
</H?> - Ends the heading tag. Same number as used for begin tag.

<CENTER> - Begins a center tag. Centers text within it.
</CENTER> - Ends center tag.

<BOLD> - Begins a bold tag. Bolds text within it.
</BOLD> - Ends bold tag.

<I> - Begins a I tag. Italics text within it.
</I> - Ends I tag.

<U> - Begins a U tag. Underlines text within it.
</U> - Ends U tag.

<BIG> - Begins a BIG tag. Enlarges text within it.
</BIG> - Ends BIG tag.

<SMALL> - Begins a SMALL tag. Reduces the size of text within it.
</SMALL> - Ends SMALL tag.

<SUP> - Begins a SUP tag. Makes the text slightly higher than normal.
</SUP> - Ends SUP tag.

<SUB> - Begins a SUB tag. Makes the text slightly lower than normal
</SUB> - Ends SUB tag.

<BLOCKQUOTE> - Begins a BLOCKQUOTE tag. Everyline in here is indented.

<FONT SIZE="?"> - Begins a FONT SIZE tag. Controls the size of text. Use integers.
</FONT> - Ends FONT SIZE tag.

<FONT COLOR="#??????"> - Begins a FONT COLOR tag. Controls the color of text. Use hexadecimals. For more colors/hexadecimals see my hexadecimal chart.
</FONT> - Ends FONT COLOR tag.

<OL> - Begins a OL tag. Starts an ordered list
<LI> - (Uppercase L and i) Must be inside OL tags. Contains items in list.
<LI>? - There should be no closing tag for a LI tag.
</OL> - Ends OL tag.

<LI>List Item 1
<LI>List Item 2
<LI>List Item 3


  1. List Item 1
  2. List Item 2
  3. List Item 3

<UL> - Begins a UL tag. Same as OR tag but uses bullets instead of numbers.
</UL> - Ends UL tag.

<DL> - Starts a DL tag. Starts a definition list.
<DT> - Must be inside a DL tag. This is the title of the definition.
<DD> - Must be after a DT tag and inside a DL tag. This is the definition. It indents the line.
</DL> - Closes a DL tag.

<IMG SRC="?????.???"> - This inserts a image in the page. Add the name and the extension (.BMP, .GIF, .JPEG) of the image in the quotes ("s)

<A HREF="http://??????????"> - This is a link tag. The ?s should be filled with the URL of the link. After the tag add text.
</A>- Closes the link. Should be after the text that you want to link.

<A HREF="mailto:?????@?????.???"> - This is a Mail link. ?s should be filled with the E-Mail address. ( Add text after it for the link.
</A> - Ends the E-Mail address link. Should be after the text that you want to link to E-Mail.


[Written and drawn by Henry Del Rosario, through experience and personal education]


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Stoic is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
"Stoic" © all its characters, story, and images are the creations of Henry Del Rosario and are protected under copyright law.
Please do not reproduce without permission.