<HTML> - Begins a HTML page. Always use this to start your web page.
</HTML> - Closes a HTML page. Use this to close your web page.
<HEAD> - Begins the HEAD of your web page. Within these tags should not contain any text or body things.
</HEAD> - Ends the HEAD of your web page.
<TITLE> - Begins the TITLE of your page. Within this is the text that appears at the top of your browser.
</TITLE> - Ends the TITLE of your page.
<BODY> - Begins the BODY or your page. Inside of these tags are all the text and things your see.
</BODY> - Ends the BODY or your page.
- TOPMARGIN=? Controls the top space from the edge of the window to your text. Fill the ? with integers.
- LEFTMARGIN=? Controls the top space from the edge of the window to your text. Fill the ? with integers.
- BOTTOMMARGIN=? Controls the top space from the edge of the window to your text. Fill the ? with integers.
- BGCOLOR="#??????" Controls the background color of the page. Fill the ?s with hexadecimals. For more colors/hexadecimals see my hexadecimal chart.
How do you use the above? Just add it to the body tag like this:
<P> - The P tag ends the current text before it and skips a line before showing text after it.
</P> - The P tag sometimes needs it's closing tag. But not for skipping a line.
- ALIGN=LEFT Aligns text to the left.
- ALIGN=CENTER Aligns text to the left.
- ALIGN=RIGHT Aligns text to the left.
How do you use the above? Just add it to the body tag like this:
<BR> - The BR tag starts the text after it one line down. It does not skip a line like the P tag.
</BR>? - The Br tag does not have a closing tag.
<PRE> - Text inside this tag are exactly like the way you enter the text in the editor.
</PRE> - This ends the PRE tag.
<H?> - Begins a heading tag. Use the numbers 1-6 in place of ?'s. Lower number = bigger text. Vice aversa.
</H?> - Ends the heading tag. Same number as used for begin tag.
<CENTER> - Begins a center tag. Centers text within it.
</CENTER> - Ends center tag.
<BOLD> - Begins a bold tag. Bolds text within it.
</BOLD> - Ends bold tag.
<I> - Begins a I tag. Italics text within it.
</I> - Ends I tag.
<U> - Begins a U tag. Underlines text within it.
</U> - Ends U tag.
<BIG> - Begins a BIG tag. Enlarges text within it.
</BIG> - Ends BIG tag.
<SMALL> - Begins a SMALL tag. Reduces the size of text within it.
</SMALL> - Ends SMALL tag.
<SUP> - Begins a SUP tag. Makes the text slightly higher than normal.
</SUP> - Ends SUP tag.
<SUB> - Begins a SUB tag. Makes the text slightly lower than normal
</SUB> - Ends SUB tag.
<BLOCKQUOTE> - Begins a BLOCKQUOTE tag. Everyline in here is indented.
<FONT SIZE="?"> - Begins a FONT SIZE tag. Controls the size of text. Use integers.
</FONT> - Ends FONT SIZE tag.
<FONT COLOR="#??????"> - Begins a FONT COLOR tag. Controls the color of text. Use hexadecimals. For more colors/hexadecimals see my hexadecimal chart.
</FONT> - Ends FONT COLOR tag.
<OL> - Begins a OL tag. Starts an ordered list
<LI> - (Uppercase L and i) Must be inside OL tags. Contains items in list.
<LI>? - There should be no closing tag for a LI tag.
</OL> - Ends OL tag.
<LI>List Item 1
<LI>List Item 2
<LI>List Item 3
- List Item 1
- List Item 2
- List Item 3
<UL> - Begins a UL tag. Same as OR tag but uses bullets instead of numbers.
</UL> - Ends UL tag.
<DL> - Starts a DL tag. Starts a definition list.
<DT> - Must be inside a DL tag. This is the title of the definition.
<DD> - Must be after a DT tag and inside a DL tag. This is the definition. It indents the line.
</DL> - Closes a DL tag.
<IMG SRC="?????.???"> - This inserts a image in the page. Add the name and the extension (.BMP, .GIF, .JPEG) of the image in the quotes ("s)
<A HREF="http://??????????"> - This is a link tag. The ?s should be filled with the URL of the link. After the tag add text.
</A>- Closes the link. Should be after the text that you want to link.
<A HREF="mailto:?????@?????.???"> - This is a Mail link. ?s should be filled with the E-Mail address. (DbzmanDb@Aol.com) Add text after it for the link.
</A> - Ends the E-Mail address link. Should be after the text that you want to link to E-Mail.